growing your container garden

Bulk Topsoil Is A Good Foundation For Building A Healthy Vegetable Garden From Scratch

If you're planning your first garden, you may be at a loss as to how to turn a weedy or grassy area of lawn into a rich garden bed. You might even be thinking of building raised beds and wonder where to get the soil and how to use it. Here's a look at using topsoil and amendments to build a healthy garden bed so you can grow beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables.

Build A Transitional Layer When Ground Planting

You don't want to buy topsoil and dump it over your current soil, because that creates two different growing environments. The roots of the plants may stop when they reach the original soil layer, and that results in weak plants. Instead, till the space for your garden first to break up the soil, and then pour a few inches of topsoil on top. Then till again to mix the two types of dirt. Once that's done, pour the rest of the topsoil on top of the tilled area. Now the roots of your plants can grow deep in the ground and be strong and healthy.

Add Amendments For Drainage And Nutrition

Topsoil is the top layer of dirt that's been removed from a construction site, and it contains decaying matter and minerals. It usually has a rich combination of nutrients, but it's still not perfect for gardening. For the best results, have the soil tested so you know exactly what it needs. The composition of soil varies greatly, so the only way to know what is in the soil is to have it tested. Then you can add in compost and other ingredients that are needed.

An easier way to get garden-ready topsoil is to buy garden soil from the dealer. This soil has often been screened already to get rid of rocks and other debris, and it's had compost blended in with the topsoil. You may still need to add to the soil depending on your test results, but buying blended soil cuts down on some of the work you need to do and makes it easier to fill up big garden beds.

Buy The Topsoil In Bulk And Have It Delivered

Rather than lug home a trunk load of soil bags, go to a dealer and buy your topsoil in bulk. This gives you the chance to look at the soil, feel it, and look for debris, like rocks. Also, ask the dealer if a soil test has already been done and if you can see the results. You'll also want to take along the measurements of your new garden or bed so the dealer can estimate the amount of soil you need to have delivered.

The soil might be dumped in a large pile near your garden or delivered in a giant bag that keeps the soil in place until you're ready to use it. The soil comes straight from the earth so it contains seeds from weeds and grass where it was originally growing. You'll have to tend purchased topsoil as you would any other dirt to keep weeds out of your vegetable patch.
